VIA Rail is looking for an expert in Canadian and American railway industry to review and create and elaborate the VIA Welding Manual document and ensure harmonization with the VIA National Engineering Track Standards, Welding Manual, General Engineering Instructions and Recommended Methods, Training, Exam, and audit questions / proficiency tests. Moreover, the expert must ensure the All the new documentation that will be put in place are harmonized with VIA current documentation and materials, trainings to comply with Federal regulatory requirements.
To be able to submit a Tender, the Tenderer must comply with the following mandatory criteria:
1)The Tenderer must be able to deliver all the services specified in Part B, Appendix A, to VIA in both official languages of Canada (English & French).
2)One of members in the group of professionals assigned to VIA’s mandate must have a minimum of twenty (20) years of experience in the field of railway engineering, materials and systems management and maintenance-of-way.
3)One of members in the group of professionals assigned to VIA’s mandate must have worked at least ten (10) years with or jointly with Transport Canada and Railway Association of Canada.
4)The documentation must be approved by an engineer with a valid license in Canada.