This Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) is an invitation by the Saskatchewan Power Corporation (“SaskPower”) to prospective proponents to submit proposals for the provision of STEEL FABRICATION & ERECTION – VARIOUS SITES, as further described in the RFP Particulars (Appendix A) (the “Work”).
SaskPower is a Saskatchewan Crown Corporation continued under The Power Corporation Act (Saskatchewan). It is principally responsible for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity for most of Saskatchewan.
The Proponent shall be responsible for the supply all labour, material, equipment, tools, and supervision necessary, to complete the fabrication, galvanizing, delivery including off-loading, and erection, as required, of steel structural supports at various SaskPower sites, the Work, as specified in this Specification and on the Contract Drawings.
The sites within this RFP are both new greenfield (de-energized) and existing (energized).
Energized sites will require the Proponent to work in proximity to existing overhead powerlines of voltages up to 230,000V, and will require the services of a QEW (Qualified Electrical Worker) to work near/within these existing facilities.