These Instructions apply to and govern the preparation of tenders for this Contract. The Contract is generally for the following work: • Construction of approximately 110 metres of watermain and appurtenances connecting new reservoir to existing potable water system (and linking it to existing water treatment plant), • Site grading, drainage structure and swale, • Demolition of existing 450m3 steel reservoir Installation of approximately 70 m of electrical and communications servicing and appurtenances.
An optional site meeting will be held on Thursday, March 8, at 3:00pm at the Balfour Water Treatment Plant at 7642 Holt Road. Representatives from WSP and the RDCK will attend the meeting to answer any contractors’ questions. Any new information that is requested or generated will be included in an Addendum that will be issued at least three days prior to the Tender Close.
All amendments to the associated notice, including amended documents, plans and specifications (where applicable), are issued by the originator of the notice. MERX asks you to contact the buying agency directly for these amendments. MERX stipulates that potential bidders may also be required to register with the buying authority as a bidder/plan taker. The contact information can be found within the main tender document and/or on this notice abstract.