Social Media Monitoring Services OSC201617M-037 (the “RFP)
The Ontario Securities Commission (“OSC”) is soliciting competitive Proposals from respondents for the provision of Social Media Monitoring Services (the “Services”) as further described in Article 3.
The potential scope of services to be provided under the contemplated engagement includes, but is not limited to:
The OSC’s Corporate Communications Branch is seeking social media monitoring services that will allow it to more quickly identify and respond to conversations, mentions and activities on social media that could have significant impacts on the OSC’s reputation and/or public perception of the regulation of Ontario’s capital markets. Additionally, the OSC is seeking social media monitoring services that will enable it to quickly identify and respond to breaking news items that impact the OSC, Ontario’s capital markets and Canada’s capital markets. These services must significantly automate the OSC’s current manual monitoring processes for social media, which are managed by its Communications Branch.
The OSC is also seeking social media monitoring services that will allow it to analyze the level of dialogue and engagement on specific topics and platforms. In order to measure the success of specific communications initiatives, for example, the OSC requires the ability to generate and edit comprehensive reports on online conversation, levels of engagement and key social media analytics.
The potential scope of services is described in detail in the RFP for Social Media Monitoring Services which is available through MERX at or 1-800-964-6379, OSC reference number OSC201617M-037.
Proposals must be received on or before 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on October 06, 2016 by the use of MERX Electronic Bid Submission (EBS). Respondents shall be solely responsible for the delivery of their Proposals in the manner and time prescribed.
Questions concerning submitting through MERX EBS should be addressed to:
MERX Customer Support:
Phone: 1-800-964-6379
MERX EBS does not allow submissions to be uploaded after the Proposal Submission Deadline, so the respondent should ensure they allow plenty of time to upload the documents.
Proposals transmitted by facsimile or sent by any other means shall not be considered.