OSC Intranet Redevelopment and Hosting Services OSC201718-045 (the “RFP)
The Ontario Securities Commission (“OSC”) is soliciting competitive proposals from respondents for the provision of Intranet redevelopment services.
The potential scope of services to be provided under the contemplated engagement includes, but is not limited to:
Objective. The OSC is working to create a new intranet solution with enhanced functionality and social collaboration features that contribute to improved employee engagement, productivity and morale by being fully responsive, easily integrated and scalable for a future nationally-distributed organization (eventually, this would require French language capabilities). The OSC is seeking professional services to develop and implement the new intranet and consult with us on designs, wireframes, IA and modern communication features that are user-friendly, including but not limited to: blogs, photo and file sharing, calendars, forums, newsfeeds, social sharing, people directory, team spaces, search, tasks, wikis, gamification and integrations. All web resources must meet provincial accessibility standards for web (WGAC 2.0, Level AA). Providing ongoing planned and on-call website support and maintenance is also a necessity. The OSC plans to launch the new intranet in early 2018, and requires a company that can begin work immediately.
There are two Services categories in scope for this RFP, as follows (“Service Categories”):
Service Category 1 - Web development services to develop and maintain the new Intranet, including ongoing development and support; and
Service Category 2 - Web hosting and ongoing hosting maintenance for the re-developed Intranet.
For clarity, respondents must submit a Proposal (as defined in section 4.1 hereof) in response to both Service Categories but may subcontract Service Category 2. The OSC may elect to contract directly with a proposed Service Category 2 provider. The OSC can provide no guarantees as to volumes of business.
The potential scope of services is described in detail in the RFP for OSC Intranet Redevelopment and Hosting Services which is available through MERX at www.merx.com or 1-800-964-6379, OSC reference number OSC201718-045.