The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking proposals for a qualified firm to develop a comprehensive waterfront access strategy. The strategy will create an overall vision for enhancing public use and access to the Rideau River and Kemptville Creek, in keeping with the Municipality’s environmental, recreational and tourism objectives. The strategy will be a document that organizes and provides a long-term, comprehensive vision for the Municipality of North Grenville’s
waterfront. North Grenville’s waterfront is one of the community’s defining features and is recognized as a valuable recreational and tourism asset. The Municipality also requires the strategy to contain an implementation plan, outlining a prioritization of short-term and long-term implementation actions and the timing, anticipated cost, funding source and lead or ‘champion’ of each implementation action.
The strategy must align with the Municipality’s 2022 Strategic Plan, 2018 Official Plan, 2020 Parks, Recreation & Culture Master Plan, 2020 Tourism Strategy, 2011 Integrated Community Trails Strategy and the 2015 Waterfront Trails and Pedestrian Bridge Design.