The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from qualified proponents for national and international long distance services, toll-free services, calling cards, business lines, reservationless audio conferencing, as well as Primary Route Interface (PRI) circuits and related services and support.
The RFP will also look for proposal for SIP Trunking offers for future transition from PRI. CBC/Radio-Canada plans to migrate outgoing calls (including long distance) towards SIP trunks in the next 12 months.
CBC/Radio-Canada has already an extensive internal SIP trunk network. In the next year, outgoing traffic for North America and oversea will be migrated to external SIP trunks from PRI. It is expected that, for short term, SIP trunks would only be used for outgoing calls. The outgoing Long Distance traffic (See APPENDIX A1 Long Distance Usage) will be migrated by phase over the next years.
The Proponent’s mandatory mandate is to submit a comprehensive proposal for:
1 - Canadian, USA and International outgoing long distances from any CBC/Radio-Canada location.
2 - Toll free services.
3 - Calling card services.
4 - Conference reservationless audio bridge services.
5 - Mandatory PRIs and DIDs services.
The Proponent’s optional mandate is to submit a comprehensive proposal for:
6 - Business lines services.
The Proponent’s optional mandate is to submit a comprehensive proposal for:
7 - Optional PRIs and DIDs services.
The Proponent’s optional mandate is to submit a comprehensive proposal for:
8 - SIP trunk services.
It is mandatory that CBC/RC keep its current phone numbers.
CBC/RC might select one or more Proponent(s) for this RFP.
IMPORTANT: CBC/RC will impose maintenance windows at no additional cost according to the CBC/RC Corporate production environment.
The schedule of deliveries to CBC/RC is crucial, the Proponent shall guarantee adherence to said schedule:
>> Services and installations by the Proponent in the target locations must be completed by May 30th, 2019 for all services mentioned as mandatory.
>> Once installed and tested a system acceptance agreement will be signed, again this must be completed by May 30th, 2019 for all services included under the mandatory mandate.
>> The Proponent shall attach a delivery schedule for all services mentioned as mandatory.
If the proponent includes optional business lines services in its proposal, the Proponent shall attach a delivery schedule, CBC/RC will impose maintenance windows according to the CBC/RC Corporate production environment. Business line services and installations by the Proponent in the target locations must be completed by May 30th, 2019.
If the proponent includes optional PRIs and DIDs services in its proposal, CBC/RC will impose the delivery schedule according their own timeline in conjunction with the Proponent, after May 30th, 2019.
If the proponent includes optional SIP trunk services in its proposal, CBC/RC will impose the delivery schedule according their own timeline in conjunction with the Proponent, after May 30th, 2019.