Note: TPS has moved to electronic response submission via MERX
The Respondent must register with MERX in order to have the ability to formally upload a proposal. Please ensure that the registration is completed 24 hours prior to uploading your submission.
Please go to for information regarding how to upload your submission through MERX. If you still have issues, please contact MERX directly at 1-800-964-MERX (6379).
Request for Proposal (RFP) RFP # 1274590-18
TPS is accepting submissions for the provision of Supply and Maintenance of Security Systems.
Submission Requirements
Electronic submissions will be accepted until 1:00:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 28, 2018@ 1:00:00pm EST as per the clock identified on MERX.
Your submission for this opportunity must be sent to TPS through the use of the MERX portal. Respondents shall be solely responsible for the delivery of their submission using the MERX portal by the time and closing date, in accordance with the Submission Requirements outlined in the RFP.
NOTE: Pricing to be submitted/uploaded as a separate document from technical (i.e. non-pricing) submission.
TPS reserves the right to reject any or all responses at its sole discretion.
Scope of Work
The purpose of this, “Request for Proposal” (RFP), is to establish a five (5) year vendor of record agreement with the successful service provider. The TPS requires a, “Vendor of Record” (VOR) to maintain the existing security systems (access control and video surveillance) and provide new systems for new and renovated facilities. In addition, the service provider will provide qualified personnel to perform scheduled and demand maintenance to the existing system on a 24/7 basis as required.
Mandatory Requirements
Vendor must be certified by Software House with Dealer Designation certification at the Enterprise Partner level valid in the Toronto area. The vendor must provide proof of good standing for a period not less than five (5) years.
Vendor must be certified by Genetec as possessing an Elite Partner status. Please provide copy of certification as provided by Genetec.
Vendor shall operate a local (within 40 km of the Greater Toronto Area) infrastructure that maintains the number of staff that meets the criteria set out in the following tables.
Contract Term
The term of this contract for the provision of supply and maintenance of security systems services shall be for five(5) years commencing from award of the contract to December 31, 2023 subject to the Toronto Police Board approval(TPSB).
Piggyback (if applicable)
The TPS may, upon request, permit other publicly funded organizations to purchase against any contract which may result from this RFP.
Proponents are requested to indicate on the Pricing Submission Form if they will extend the pricing, terms and conditions of this proposal to other government agencies, if the proponent is the successful vendor. If the successful vendor agrees to this provision, participating agencies may enter into a contract with the successful vendor for the purchase of the services described herein based on the terms, conditions, prices, and percentages offered by the successful vendor. Minor changes in terms and conditions may be negotiated by participating agencies.
Please note: copies of the proponent’s submission may need to be provided to the interested agency (in confidence) in order to review prior to participating.
All in accordance with the requirements stated in the RFP document to be downloaded.