This Request for Proposal (the “RFP”) is an invitation by the Toronto Police Service (the “TPS”) to prospective Proponents to submit proposals for the provision of the replacement and support of APCO P25 (Phase 2) compliant radios including accessories over the next ten (10) years beginning at the end 2017.
The TPS may, upon request, permit the Toronto Fire Service, Toronto Paramedics, Toronto Water Division, Toronto Transportation Division, and Toronto Solid Waste Management Division (collectively "the City Divisions”) to purchase against any contract which may result from this RFP.
Any or all of the City Divisions may enter into a contract with the successful Proponent for the purchase of the services and P25- compliant commodities described herein, of equal, similar, or lesser functionality, based on the terms and conditions of the agreement between TPS and the successful Proponent, and, at the discount percentage applicable to the combined quantities defined at contract award, per Appendix K, applied to the list price for the commodities. The revised discount will also apply to the TPS procurement. Any additional quantities after initial procurement will be discounted at the revised combined discount level (per Appendix K) at the time the City Division purchases them.
In addition, any or all of the City Divisions may purchase any product the successful Proponent sells at list price less the same adjusted volume discount percentage in effect at time of procurement.
Minor changes in terms and conditions may be negotiated by participating City Divisions. Note: copies of the successful Proponent's submission may need to be provided to the interested City Division (in confidence) in order to review prior to participating.