Synergy North Corporation (SNC), headquartered in Thunder Bay, Ontario and delivers electricity to customers in Thunder Bay and Kenora, Ontario. The utility employs approximately 134 people who work out of three different office/work locations (two separate locations in Thunder Bay and the third in Kenora). Employees are both in the field (trades) and in the office. Synergy North is seeking a digital platform (EHS Software) to support our Safety Management System and Training Program.
1.2 Goals SNC Goals for this project is to select a qualified and reputable vendor with a robust product and excellent customer service to help SNC in achieving the following:
a. Reduce (and eventually eliminate) paper forms, copies of documents, etc.
b. Completely digitize Health, Safety, Training & Risk Management processes
c. Eliminate redundancy in work processes and become more efficient.
d. Fully utilize the capability of in the field digital reporting (using iPads to complete risk assessments, incident reporting, workplace inspections, etc.)
e. Provide the ability for employees to access their individual training records in the field.
f. Utilize a dashboard to display data such as incident statistics for administrative and JHSC purposes.
g. Easily extract data to track and utilize for trend analysis, to determine training needs, incident data, leading indicators, costs, etc.
h. The vendor must be selected, and the product paid for (2023 costs) no later than December 31, 2023
i. Stay within a firm budget of $40,000 for 2023.
j. Launch date January 1, 2024
k. Mid- and long-term goals are to include additional modules
Please contact Zak Lepage, Buyer at to receive a copy of this Proposal.