Notice of Intention
Request for Qualification for the design, construction and financing of the mother and child centre and emergency department at the Sherbrooke university hospital centre –Fleurimont Hospital (Centre mère-enfant et urgence du CHUS – Hôpital de Fleurimont)
This notice of intention does not constitute a call for bids or an invitation to bid.
In early August, the Société québécoise des infrastructures ("SQI") expects to launch the first stage, the Request for Qualification, in a two-stage bidding process for the construction, under a "design, build and finance" approach, of an extension to a major hospital complex in the Estrie region. The estimated value of the project is over $100 million.
The goal of the SQI in the first stage is to identify the three teams that demonstrate most convincingly that they have the skills and expertise needed to complete this major project and finance the design and build costs during the construction period. Once authorization has been received from the government authorities, the three teams will be invited to take part in the second stage, the Request for Proposals, currently scheduled for the winter of 2018.
The SQI cannot be held responsible for any fees or expenses incurred if the Request for Qualification is not launched.