This Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) is an invitation by the Saskatchewan Power Corporation (“SaskPower”) to prospective proponents to submit proposals for the provision of Shand Greenhouse Refurbishment, as further described in the RFP Particulars (Appendix A) (the “ Services”).
SaskPower is a Saskatchewan Crown Corporation continued under The Power Corporation Act (Saskatchewan). It is principally responsible for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity for most of Saskatchewan.
Shand Greenhouse - Shand Power Station, Estevan: This SaskPower owned facility is located adjacent to the Shand Power Station near Estevan. The main building consists of approximately 1,550 m2 of greenhouse space, and header house including office and mechanical/electrical area of 490 m2. Also on the property are two unheated storage buildings approximately 91 m2 each and two exterior shade houses totaling 2800m2. The main greenhouse and header house were commissioned in 1991 with additional office space added in 2000. The current operation of the greenhouse relies on the Power Station for heat, water supply, and wastewater disposal. The main heating source for the greenhouse is waste heat from the Shand Power Station, however supplemental heat is required during the winter. The office space was updated recently however the greenhouse facility is still utilizing the original systems which are at the end of life. A refurbishment is required to update the operational systems and extend the life of the facility. Due to the age, and complexity, of this facility, a thorough building assessment is required to clearly define project requirements.
SaskPower is soliciting proposals from Architectural Consultants who will engage appropriate sub-consultants to make up a project team. It is anticipated that a Greenhouse Subject Matter Expert will be integral to this team.