Letter of Interest – To identify potential providers for a traditional competitive procurement process
1. Objective:
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) is seeking the services of a firm that can provide radio campaigns (separate English and French versions).
2. Purpose of the Letter of interest (LOI):
The purpose of this LOI is to identify vendors interested and able to provide services for the distribution of 2 radio campaigns (separate English and French versions) to transmit information to Canadians regarding their privacy rights as described in Appendix “A” – Statement of Work (SoW).
3. Requested Information:
Respondents are invited to consult the SoW to provide their responses to the LOI. To facilitate review of responses, respondents are asked to provide the requested information in the order in which the topics are presented.
4. Delivery Address and Response Format:
Responses to the LOI must be sent by email to the Procurement Officer identified below. Respondents are responsible for confirming that their responses to the LOI have been received by Canada.
Rachel Bélanger
Procurement & Material Management Officer
5. Closing Date:
The closing date to submit a response is 14:00 EDT on September 20, 2024.
6. Enquiries:
Because this is not a bid solicitation, Canada will not necessarily respond to enquiries in writing or by circulating answers to all potential suppliers. However, Respondents with questions regarding this LOI may direct their enquiries to:
Rachel Bélanger
Procurement & Material Management Officer
7. Expenses
OPC will not be responsible for any costs incurred by respondents for the preparation and submission of responses to this LOI.
8. This is not an offer or a call for bids
• This LOI will not result in the awarding of any standing offer or contract or lead to any development funding initiative.
• A potential provider’s response to this LOI will not preclude them from participating in any future procurement.
• This LOI is simply intended to obtain feedback from the industry with respect to the matters described herein.
• OPC is seeking information via this LOI solely for its own benefit and makes no commitment whatsoever that a resulting contract will be awarded to any respondent replying to this LOI.
9. Questions
a) Can your company provide and deliver the requested services?
b) If OPC goes to tender for the service described herein, would your company be interested in submitting a bid?
• If yes, please provide the company’s contact information and email address.
c) Has your company ever provided services to the government?
• If yes, please identify which departments.
1. Project Title
Radio campaigns
2. Background
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has a public education and outreach strategy to reach Canadians about their privacy rights. As part of the strategy, the OPC has identified radio campaigns as one of the ways to transmit information to Canadians across the country.
3. Objectives
The OPC is looking to establish an “up to” contract that can be used for a maximum of 2 radio campaigns (separate English and French segments) to Canadians across the country per fiscal year.
4. Tasks
The supplier shall:
• Produce a maximum of 2 radio campaigns per fiscal year, which include segments in English and French for each campaign.
• Provide production services, including scripting with client edits, coordination and recording, and editing with client changes.
• Provide the French segment as an adaptation of the English version.
• Supply the segments for OPC review in Windows Media Player format for previewing purposes.
• Distribute and promote the radio campaigns to radio stations across Canada in both official languages.
• Provide comprehensive monitoring and reporting, including usage and audience reach of radio stations, electronically in a report.
• Include a minimum audience guarantee with each audio release. If guarantee is not reached, the audio spot must be re-promoted to the stations until the guarantee is achieved.
5. Deliverables
• A maximum of 2 radio campaigns per fiscal year, which include segments in English and French for each radio campaign.
• Production services, including scripting with client edits, coordination and recording by phone, editing with client changes.
• Segments provided in Windows Media Player format for previewing purposes.
• Distribution and promotion of the radio campaigns to radio stations across Canada in both official languages.
• Monitoring and reporting, including usage and audience reach of radio stations, and delivered electronically in a report.
• If minimum audience guarantee is not reached, the audio spot will be re-promoted to the stations until the guarantee is achieved.
6. Constraints
This contract would be an “up to” contract with a maximum value and would be established so that the OPC can work with a firm to produce and distribute radio campaigns to Canadians on an as-and-when needed basis.