Work under this contract consists of the TRDC drilling to collect samples conducted in the North, Central, South ponds, Northwest Tailings Pond, New Water Treatment Plant and dam areas of the Giant Mine. The work will be conducted in 2 phases, the winter phase and the summer phase. All work will be completed in the winter phase with the exception of CPTtailings on the north, central and south ponds that will be conducted in the summer phase July. A separate mob and demob will be required for each phase.
As specifically detailed in the drawings and specifications provided in the technical scope of this RFP. Technical specifications have been prepared for Public Service and Procurement Canada By Golder, Project R.014204.307 (IFT) Drilling Sections 31 02 00.
These specifications are attached in Appendix H
The work will include but is not limited to:
- Drilling of boreholes using a sonic drill to an assumed depth of 25 metres
- Collecting thin walled tube samples
- Installations of standpipe piezometers
- Conduct Piezocone Penetration tests (CVP)
- Conduct down hole seismic tests and pore water dissipation tests
- Install thermistor strings in boreholes
- Conduct Field Vane Shear Test (FVST)
- Back fill all boreholes to surface using cementitious grout upon completion
- Logging and recording all results