The University of Waterloo invites qualified companies to submit Proposals for CCTV Devices, in accordance with the terms of this Request for Proposal (RFP). The University of Waterloo intends to prequalify Devices for the Phase 2 RFP from the Respondent(s) that meet or exceed the Requirements identified in this RFP. Respondents may propose up to 60 Devices by submitting a Proposal for each Device.
When submitting each Proposal (1 Proposal per Device Model/SKU) Respondents will be asked to select which Category (decision) their Device fits in as follows:
Desktop Device
A desktop CCTV is larger and would be set-up permanently on a desk/table. It normally has an X-Y platform and is used primarily for near reading tasks. Of the up to six devices selected, on award of Phase 2 of this RFP, SEEPAC hopes to select 3 to 4 desktop models with different screen sizes and operating controls. At least one unit will have computer connectivity ability. Depending on the number of units submitted and monitor sizes, the Desktop category may be divided into smaller/larger monitor sub-categories.
Multifunction Device
A multifunction CCTV has a camera which allows distance viewing, near viewing and usually self-viewing. It may or may not have an x-y table. A carrying case is a helpful addition as users often move the CCTV. At least one multifunction will be selected after the Phase 2 RFP.
Portable Device
Portable units are used for reading tasks. They are easily moved to new locations. Users may require a portable unit due to lack of space at home or because it is needed outside of the home. Depending on submissions, we may split this category into units that perform more like a desktop (e.g. laptop size and packable) and units that are smaller and can be held in two hands. Note, all pocket sized video magnifiers are now classified in the Assistive Devices Program catalogue as an optical aid with device code VL0001064 and therefore will not be considered for this RFP. One to two portable units will be selected after the Phase 2 RFP.
For RFP and template documents, Vendors may download the documents at not cost from: