1. Introduction
This Request for Information (“RFI”) is issued by the University of Ottawa (the “University”) for the purposes of gathering information about the marketplace to assist in exploring available technologies and available solutions of Confocal Microscopes.
The Confocal Microscope will be used to study (visualize) the interactions between cRCA products (i.e. long DNA molecules) and their targets (i.e. how well/poorly are the targets captured and whether the targets are wrapped around by the cRCA molecular chains in 3D) when using different circular template spacer designs. These data are necessary to help determine the optimal circular template design. Furthermore, the intrinsic 3D nature of the confocal imaging technique will also allow to study target bacterial particle flow patterns within microfluidic channels.
Participation in this RFI is completely optional and is not a requirement to participate in a potential future RFP.
2. Background
Founded in 1848, the University of Ottawa is the largest French‐English bilingual university in the world, and is one of Canada's leading research‐intensive Universities. The University fosters excellence and success in research, whether the research is basic or applied, of intrinsic value or of commercial importance. The University of Ottawa considers itself to be Canada's university of the 21st Century by launching new initiatives in emerging areas, promoting collaboration within and across faculties, and providing the milieu in which creativity can flourish.
3. Format
The format of the University’s discussions with Respondents will be informally via conference or video calls, on a “1‐on‐1” basis, between each Respondent and the University. The University anticipates spending about one hour on each call. While not required, the University will also receive written documents from a Respondent, such as technical brochures, catalogues, specification sheets, etc.
4. Submission Instructions
Respondents are asked to submit, one (1) electronic copy, in PDF format, of a completed and signed Respondent Submission Form (
Appendix A) by the Submission Deadline using MERX EBS (Electronic Bid Submission).
Respondents will be required to enter their MERX account password in order to upload electronic documents. Please note that submission documents will be time stamped with the time and date at the completion of the uploading process, not the beginning of the uploading process.
All questions, inquires, or communications regarding this RFI or the Confocal Microscope solution must be submitted through MERX using the Question-and Answer Module, up to the time listed in section 1 – Key Dates. Respondents must not contact any other University representative.
For any assistance or tutorial using the MERX process, please visit the MERX website:
www.merx.com or by contacting them directly at 1-800-964-MERX (6379).
Please refer to the RFI document for complete information.