McMaster University utilizes Oracle PeopleSoft as the university-wide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for Student Administration, Finance, Human Resources/Payroll and Research Administration. McMaster University is seeking a qualified Bidder to provide a pension administration solution that will interface with Oracle PeopleSoft. The solution is to include both software services and the capability to provide third-party pension administration support services that complement the software solution. McMaster has a co-source arrangement in place with the current pension administration system provider and performs many pension administration functions in-house. The University is seeking an outside pension administration solution which provides options for both a co-sourced and fully outsourced model.
Throughout this RFP “Mosaic” refers to McMaster’s ERP System Project.
This Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is for an internet-based Software as a Service (SaaS) pension administration solution that includes a self-service component, related third-party pension administrative services, and implementation services for the proposed Software Solution. The proposal shall include software licensing and any installation/support/maintenance services for the following major components:
• Pension Plan configuration for multiple Plans with complex provisions
• Member and beneficiary enrolment and tracking over employment life-cycle
• Create on-demand pension calculations, reports, forms and letters
• Self-service capabilities for Plan administrators and Plan members
• Interface capability to Oracle PeopleSoft HCM
• Capability for the proponent to provide related third-party pension administration services on a co-source basis with potential for full outsourcing in the future to complement and support the pension administration system