Project / Departmental Overview
ACADEMIC UPGRADING is a large, on-site adult literacy program, serving more than 1,000 students each year, transitioning to post-secondary, employment or apprenticeship goals. Housed within the School of Work and College Preparation, Academic Upgrading is a tuition free Literacy and Basic Skills program, funded by Ontario’s Ministry of Advanced Education and Skill Development (MAESD). The program is free to Ontario residents 19 years and older who require additional academic skills training in Math, Sciences, English, Computers or Professional and Career Exploration. Learners register for Academic Upgrading take targeted short, or longer ACE credit (Grade 12 “C” level equivalent courses) or certificate courses to further advance their academic skills.
PRINT and LMS MATH MATERIALS GENERATION: Under the guidance of Academic Upgrading’s Faculty Coordinator, the successful vendor will receive Academic Upgrading’s printed math materials (lessons, examples, quizzes) and curate a style guide to inform the design and creation of consistent, digitally accessible and engaging printed and web materials and interactive quizzes. Online resources and quizzes will be hosted on GBC’s Blackboard Learning Management System for student and faculty access. *developing math content is outside of the scope of this project. Resources and content will be provided to the vendor by the Faculty Coordinator.