Lotus Domino Applications Migration Project Manager OSC201617M-091 (the “RFP)
The Ontario Securities Commission (“OSC”) is soliciting competitive proposals for the services of a project manager to assist in the ongoing migration of Lotus Domino applications to IBM Case Manager (the “Services”).
The potential scope of services to be provided under the contemplated engagement includes, but is not limited to:
Current State – Lotus Domino Applications. There are a number of Lotus Domino based applications currently deployed at the OSC which range from workflow applications, to data repositories to event registration and calendaring. A new development platform - IBM Case Manager for Investigations - was recently introduced to support the on-going business processes and new initiatives. We are at a point where we can start planning for the migration of these applications and begin the migration process based on the established priorities.
Services Required. The OSC is seeking a project manager to assist in the ongoing migration of Lotus Domino applications to IBM Case Manager. The selected respondent will manage the overall project, as well as provide direction and oversight to the migration team. In order to complete the delivery of this project, the following tasks and deliverables are required: documenting or updating requirements; business acceptance testing; application design; system integration testing; reporting; developing and delivering communication and change management plans; roll-out and operationalizing the solutions; and closing the project.
Respondent Experience, Qualifications and Expectations. The selected respondent should have an understanding of the OSC environment, have extensive knowledge of and recent experience working with Lotus Domino architecture and application development and must have a proven track record with regards to application and data migration projects as well as systems integration experience.
The potential scope of services is described in detail in the RFP for Lotus Domino Applications Migration Project Manager which is available through MERX at www.merx.com or 1-800-964-6379, OSC reference number OSC201617M-091.