This Request for Quotations (the “RFQ”) is an invitation by Ornge to prospective respondents to submit non-binding quotations for a mounting bracket for Ornge’s BodyGuard 121 Dual-Channel Infusion Pump, as further described in Section A of the RFQ Particulars (Appendix D) (the “Deliverables”).
Ornge wishes to procure a mounting bracket for the BodyGuard 121 Dual-Channel Infusion Pump. These brackets will be used to mount the infusion pumps in the entire Ornge fleet including the PC12 fixed wing aircraft, AW139 rotor wing aircraft and land ambulances. For more information on the infusion pump, see the attached “BodyGuard 121 Operator Manual”.
- The proposed bracket must be fully compatible with the BodyGuard 121 Dual-Channel Infusion Pump.
1. Submission Form (Appendix B)
Each quotation must include a Submission Form (Appendix B) completed and signed by an authorized representative of the respondent.
2. Pricing (Appendix C)
Each quotation must include pricing information that complies with the instructions contained in Pricing (Appendix C).
3. Other Mandatory Submission Requirements
A parts manufacturing approval authorised by Transport Canada Civil Aviation, or a parts manufacturing approval that is recognised by a bilateral agreement with Transport Canada Civil Aviation.
A copy of the authorisation from the holder of the applicable Canadian design approval or equivalent foreign design approval to manufacture the aeronautical product.
The proposed mounting bracket must:
- have a Supplemental Type Certificate (“STC”) eligible for both the Pilatus PC12/47E and Leonardo Helicopters AW139 aircraft in their Ornge configurations within four (4) weeks of the signing of the Agreement between the winning proponent and Ornge. It must also be mountable on a stretcher pole or vehicle mounted securing location within an Ontario-certified ambulance, meeting at minimum a 10G pull testing requirement;
- ideally have a scheduled maintenance inspection task within the Instruction for Continuing Airworthiness (ICA) at an annual frequency only;
- be able to restrain two (2) CME Bodyguard 121 infusion pumps in a single bracket;
- be certified to be restrained on mounting poles varying in diameter between 1 inch and 1.25 inches. This must be a single fixture, not requiring any tools or part changes when transferred between varying pole diameters;
- provide unencumbered access to the AC power supply cord insertion location; and
- allow for mounting of more than one bracket in a stacked format.
* Proponents should include proof of the above mandatory technical requirements in the form of drawings, certificates and documentation.
The proponent will be required to submit proof of all STC clearances.