Flight Following is a mandatory requirement stipulated by the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)
for both of the Operating Certificates that Ornge operates under (CAR 703 and CAR 704). Ornge
requires the services of a third party to provide flight following 365 days a year, 7 days a week,
24 hours a day, seamless dedicated coverage while currently managing approximately 2800 flight legs
per month utilizing 14 aircraft (fixed wing and rotor wing) from 9 bases throughout the Province of
Ontario. Currently, all communication with Ornge Pilots and Aircraft is via either landline, cell
phone or satellite phone exclusively.
The service provider is required to meet or exceed the standards set forth in CAR 724.15, Type C
and must have experience providing Flight Following for CAR 703, CAR 704 and or CAR 705 Canadian
Carrier. To maintain compliance with the regulations, there must always be someone on duty and able
to respond to requests from the Pilot in Command. The respondent must be able to provide coverage
without interruption.
The service provider will be expected to populate aviation data into the software programs Ornge
utilizes, training will be provided on the use of these programs by Ornge. All inbound and outbound
telephone calls must be recorded and accessible by Ornge. The service provider will
be the primary contact for any missing or overdue aircraft procedures.