The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) initiated a review of the requirements for the connection of distributed energy resources (DERs) by licensed electricity distributors in 2019. The DER Connections Review (Review) is focused on addressing any barriers to the connection of DERs and electrical vehicle (EV) charging facilities, and where appropriate, how to standardize and improve the connection process.
The OEB established the DER Connections Working Group (WG) made up of distributors, transmitters, DER providers and consumer groups to provide advice and recommendations. During the last three years a series of changes have been made to streamline the process of connecting DERs, including the establishment of the Distributed Energy Resources Connection Procedures (DERCP).
Aligned with the OEB’s Strategic Goal to facilitate innovation and with the Minister of Energy’s October 2022 Letter of Direction, the current phase of the Review is focused on addressing pending barriers to the connection of DERs and EV charging connections.
The OEB is seeking a vendor to assist OEB staff to develop an Electric Vehicle Connection Procedures (EVCP) document, based on the current Distribution System Code (DSC) requirements, to clarify and standardize the connection details including process and timelines, as well as develop new standardized templates/forms (e.g., preliminary consultation forms and offer to connect).