This Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) is an invitation by the Coordinating Entity to prospective proponents to submit proposals for the provision of a Provincial Patient Experience Survey Measurement Solution which includes survey delivery, data collection, and reporting services as further described in Section A of the RFP Particulars (Appendix D) (the “Deliverables”).
The Coordinating Entity, as identified on the cover page, is issuing this RFP and administering the RFP process on behalf of the Purchaser(s) identified in Section B – Material Disclosures of the RFP Particulars (Appendix D).
The Patient Reported Experience Measurement (PREM) Surveys will be delivered to patients and received back to the supplier and analyzed. Delivery of the surveys may be through a multiple mode approach such as by regular mail, online, and telephone services. The proponent will receive survey results and consolidate these into reportable data formats as described in Annex B – Deliverables, and provide the Purchaser with role-based security access to this reporting portal, technology or website.
Throughout the term of the awarded agreement, the Patient Experience Survey service will include two (2) core surveys, delivered on a continuous monthly basis to patients discharged from all acute care sites or who visited emergency departments in the province based on the survey methodology described in Table A which meets CIHI standards. These include:
- Inpatient (IP) Discharge Patient Experience (Bilingual) the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) Canadian Patient Experience Survey – Inpatient Care (CPES-IC) instrument.
- Emergency Department (ED) Patient Experience (Bilingual) Survey instrument.
The proponent will be able to accommodate variations of the above surveys for specific patient groups. The proponent must be capable of delivering additional surveys and/or delivering surveys to different population groups at additional cost as identified in in Appendix D – RFP Particulars. The proponent will also be required to support planning, implementation, and the development of ongoing processes for data analysis and reporting.
A complete description of these requirements is detailed in Annex B – Deliverables. This includes a summary of the various survey methodologies detailed in Table A – Summary of Methodologies section.