The Rural Municipality of Oakview
Request for Quote
Demolishing of Buildings and Levelling of Site
The Rural Municipality of Oakview is requesting quotes for the demolition and removal of the buildings, foundation, and any contents and levelling of the site. The building is located on Lots 60/63; Plan 312 in Oak River (# 2 Limit Street). All demolition debris, building contents, and any cement must be taken to the Oakview waste management site located on the NW 1/4 of 1-14-22W and placed in appropriate areas of the site (concrete; bricks; wood; metal; and household wastes should be separated as much as possible). Successful bidder is encouraged to recycle/sell any contents before demolition. All concrete must be removed from the site and the water line and sewer line need to be adequately capped by the successful bidder. Fill must be brought in to bring the site up to ground level which includes at least 6 inches of screened top soil placed on the top. The demolition permit will be obtained by the R. M. of Oakview but any other permits required will be the responsibility of the successful bidder. Worker’s Compensation number is to be included with tender as well as proof that Workplace Safety and Health Standards are being met. Please indicate on tender what equipment will be used for the project.
Work to be completed by July 15th, 2019.
Quotes, properly marked, will be received by the undersigned
until 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 11th, 2019. Lowest or any quote not necessarily accepted. Please contact the Oakview municipal office
at 204-566-2146 for more information.
The R. M. of Oakview Box 179
R0K 1T0