R. M. of Oakview
Gravel Crushing Request for Proposals For 2020
The R. M. of Oakview invites tenders for crushing approximately 40,000 yards of 100%
passing 1 inch traffic gravel for Oakview municipal roads. The R.M. of Oakview is
requesting that the enclosed “Gravel Crushing Form for 2020” be used. The form allows
for separate tenders for each of the pits as well as an amount that may be charged if the
contractor was awarded the crushing in all three pits. Crushing locations and quantities are as follows:
1) 10,000 cubic yards at the Christie Pit located at NE 27-13-19 to be done before
the June 1st, 2020. A minimum of 6” and down rock is required to be crushed at this pit.
2) 15,000 cubic yards at the McIntyre Pit at NE 31-17-21 in the R. M. of
Yellowhead, before June 30th, 2020. A minimum of 6” and down rock is required to be crushed at this pit.
3) 15,000 cubic yards in the Krahn Pit at SW 30-12-20 in the R. M. of Riverdale to
be done before July 15th, 2020. A quote to crush a minimum of 6” and down; 8” and down; 10” and down; and 12” and down is requested for the Krahn Pit.
Preference may be given to the contractor who can crush rock 12” and down at this pit as there are larger rocks in the Krahn Pit.
Worker’s Compensation number is to be included with the tender as well as proof
that Workplace Safety and Health Standards are being met. Please indicate on the
tender what equipment will be used for the work and expected date of completion for
the crushing. Sealed tenders clearly marked “Gravel Crushing Tender” will be
received by the undersigned up to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25th, 2020.
Successful contractor will be responsible to confirm quantities crushed by
submitting an aggregate quantity report with invoice. Please include all costs
(taxes excluded) in the tender as no extra costs will be considered. A penalty
of $500.00 per day may be charged after the gravel crushing completion dates indicated
above. All municipal and provincial regulations are to be adhered to by the approved
contractor. The municipality reserves the right to object to any or all tenders, to waive
irregularities and informalities at their discretion and to accept the tender, which the
municipality deems to be in their best interest. Lowest or any tender not necessarily
accepted. All bidders will be notified of the successful bid and all tenders will be
considered public information and be available for inspection, upon request.
R. M. of Oakview
Box 179
R0K 1T0
Inquiries: Phone 204-566-2146 or
Email: cao@rmofoakview.ca or oakviewsuper@mymts.net