This Request for Quotations (the “Solicitation”) is an invitation by the Government of Manitoba (“Manitoba”), as represented by the Minister of Manitoba Labour Consumer Protection and Government Services, to prospective Vendors to submit Submissions for The Provision of NCH softwareThis Request for Quotations (the “Solicitation”) is an invitation by the Government of Manitoba (“Manitoba”), as represented by the Minister of Manitoba Labour Consumer Protection and Government Services, to prospective Vendors to submit Submissions for The Provision of NCH software.
The Provision of new NCH software licenses is required by Manitoba Justice, Prosecutions Service support staff to perform necessary redactions of multi-media disclosure, including duplicating discs, editing video statements and editing audio calls. Staff will be using the NCH suite of 3 types of software licenses. Each set will consist of the following software products: VideoPad, WavePad and Express Burn Plus.
The RFQ will result to a contract between Manitoba and the Vendor and shall be valid for a period of One (1) year.