Manitoba Sustainable Development requires analysis of water samples for aquatic invasive species, specifically zebra mussel veligers and spiny waterflea.
Manitoba has federal and provincial legislative authority to implement an AIS program. Monitoring for aquatic invasive species is one of the five main pillars of the AIS program. Annually, water bodies not known to have AIS are monitored as part of the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Program’s early detection and rapid response efforts. Water bodies in which an AIS has been detected are monitored to confirm the introduction, and inform management/control decisions and the public. Monitoring tests the success of Manitoba’s prevention and response efforts, and informs when adaptation measures will be necessary.
Although current monitoring efforts are directed at detecting zebra mussel and spiny waterflea, the ability of the proponents to have applicable education and/or training or experience to recognize other microfauna that are invasive, such as black algae, fishhook waterflea and quagga mussel veligers, will be scored.
Typically more than 50 water bodies are sampled once a year with a minimum of three samples taken from each water body. Water bodies identified as higher risk of invasion and establishment of zebra mussels are sampled twice a year when time permits. Water bodies where there has been a “new” detection are sampled twice a year and a minimum of 15-30 samples are taken during each sampling event. In 2017, approximately 240+ samples were collected and analysed.
Inquiries related to this RFQ are to be directed, in writing, by November 2, 2018. For further information, or to obtain copies of the tender documents, contact:
Laureen Janusz, Fisheries Biologist
Fish Culture and Fish Science
Wildlife and Fisheries Branch
Sustainable Development
Box 20, 200 Saulteaux Crescent
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3W3
Fax No: 204-948-2308