LAO continues to advance its Corporate Strategy through the utilization of technology in supporting an agile workforce (work where the clients need our lawyers, court houses, other locations), wireless and future 5G infrastructure, enterprise digital platforms and the advance of automations using fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies that Artificial Intelligence (its subset Machine Learning) and Smart Contracts (Blockchain) along with other emerging technologies offer.
LAO recognizes that market place vendors are using Canadian provincial and federal based “Open Data” that is accessible for individual, corporate and not for profit, etc. to access and use in support of their research and decision support systems. LAO recognizes that market place vendors are using Machine Learning branch of Artificial Intelligence and other branches of AI, as a means of analyzing this data, augmenting the data and re-provisioning the data with their respective “expert system” packaging for organizations to use. LAO recognizes that market place vendors are providing these services using industry security certifications, privacy by design based on data classification (example: open data, data that is approved and available for public consumption by private or public sector entities).