The aggregated data will help quantify consumer experiences in different areas. Data analysis will create a baseline for trend evaluation and allow for comparative analysis of consumer experiences among auto insurance companies. Developing and executing on research plans to learn about consumer behavior, including survey design and recruitment.
Research Planning:
Work with FSRA to develop the research plan, including:
1. Lead consultations with Consumer Stakeholders (Consumer Advisory Panel), Industry Stakeholders (Technical Advisory Committee), and FSRA on survey design and questions.
2. Survey development.
3. Define and categorize targeted consumer segments.
4. Develop recruitment strategy to ensure statistically valid and representative sample of consumers in each segment and for each surveyed insurance company.
Research Execution
1. Recruitment of survey participants according to above research planning.
2. Administer survey in a fair and non-discriminating way.
3. Collect survey results.
Research Analysis and Synthesis (Survey Analysis and Summary of Results with Report)
1. Data organization and delivery to FSRA.
2. Data analysis, and compilation to summary charts.
3. Draft comprehensive report of research findings (by insurance company, by insurance group, by consumer segment, and combined).
4. Draft report of research findings for each participating insurance group separately.
Final comprehensive report of research findings (by insurance group, by consumer segment, and combined).
6. Final report of research findings for each participating insurance group separately.
1. Present final results to FSRA.
2. Present final results to consumer stakeholders (Consumer Advisory Panel) and industry stakeholders (Technical Advisory Committee), up to one hour commitment for each.
3. Present final results of each participating insurance group its own information, up to one hour commitment for each.