The Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE) hereby invites qualified (having complied with the specific requirements of the offer documents) vendors and suppliers to submit Offers for supplying all or any of the goods and services specified in the Offer documents, in accordance with these Instructions, Terms and Conditions.
Respondents shall submit their Offers on the Tender Offer Forms provided in two (2) separate documents (one for the technical offer and one for the financial offer).
Offers can be written in English or in French and submitted via email at OR downloaded via MERX website OR delivered at the below address, and in properly addressed, sealed envelopes:
Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE)
Main Reception Desk
c/o Purchasing Department
4000, rue Labelle
Ottawa, Ontario K1J 1A1
NO LATER THAN 2:00:00 p.m. local time on the 16nd day of April, 2019
Offers received at the Closing location after the specified closing date and time will not be accepted and
will be returned unopened.
No public Tender opening will be held for this Tender. Awards will be published on MERX website following the evaluation process.
All Offers shall be originally signed by an authorized signing officer of the Respondent in accordance with
the Respondent’s authorized signing of agreements requirements.
All inquiries regarding this Invitation to Tender or its requirements shall be made IN WRITING and received
no later than close of business Thursday, March 28th, 2019 to the following representative of the Purchaser
Pascal Paquet, Purchasing Agent
Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE)
Purchasing Department
4000, rue Labelle
Ottawa (Ontario) K1J 1A1
Email :
A bid deposit from a Surety Company authorized by law to carry out business in the Province of Ontario in
the amount of $500.00 (or cheque certified by the Bank upon which it is drawn, Bank cheque, money
order, irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit, or approved Government Bearer Bonds – no interest shall be
payable on any such deposit) is required with the Tender payable to the Conseil des écoles catholiques du
Centre-Est as acting Financial Agent for the Participants. Cash will not be accepted.
Bid deposits will be returned to all unsuccessful Respondents upon award of Contracts.
Failure to provide the required bid deposit with the Tender document or before the specified closing date and time will be reason for rejecting the bid.
It is the intention of the Purchaser to award a contract or contracts from this solicitation to the
Respondents (if any) who offer the best overall value. Consequentially, the Purchaser shall not be bound to
award to the lowest price or any Offer
Unless otherwise specified herein, Tenders will be considered by the Purchaser on a site by site and service
by service basis. Each site or service at each site, will be awarded to the most responsive and responsible
Respondent. A rationalization may be made to limit the number of successful Respondents to an
economical quantity for the Purchaser to deal with, therefore minimizing administrative costs.
Upon the award of a Contract to CECCE sites, pursuant to this Invitation to Tender, the Successful Respondents shall obtain and provide to the Purchaser a Performance Security of not less than $ 500.00 per site awarded (to a maximum of $10,000) for Grass Cutting Services only in the form of a cheque certified by the Bank branch upon which it is drawn, Bank cheque, money order, irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit or approved Government Bearer Bonds payable to the Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE) on this particular opportunity, upon which deposit regardless of forms no interest shall be payable by the Purchaser. Cash will not be accepted.
Such securities shall be retained by the CECCE till the end of the contract and until satisfactory performance of the Contract by the Successful Respondents.
Respondents are required to fully investigate and acquaint themselves with the Work Sites, the Work, and
the Contract Documents; fully inform themselves of all conditions, limitations and requirements involved
in the Work; and, obtain all information that may be necessary t perform the Work prior to submitting an
All prices quoted shall be:
- Net Canadian funds, must include the cost of the equipment, materials, labor, supervision, tools, Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board fees, transportation, insurance and all other of every kind attributed to the work.
- Irrevocable for not less than 90 days from the Offer closing date and time.
- Fixed until the end of the 2019 grass-cutting season. The Purchaser reserves the right to limit the contract to a one-year period, terminating at the end of the 2019 grass-cutting season.
- The Purchaser will make their intentions known in writing to the successful Respondent regarding any potential extension period by March 15 of the final contract year, and if the intention is to extend the contract, the successful Respondent will be given until March 31st to respond to the Purchaser and provide a proposal for any price change. All other terms and conditions would the same for any extension period.
- All changes in pricing that exceeds the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Ontario for the twelve months preceding the applicable anniversary date or 3% published by Statistics Canada ( ) shall be subject to review and acceptance by the Purchaser. Final confirmation of the extension will be given to the successful Respondent no later than April 15th. These dates will apply to any potential extension period.
Any Contract awarded shall commence at the beginning of the 2019 season, and shall be completed at the
end of the 2019 season to the full satisfaction of the Purchaser. The Purchaser reserves the right to limit
the contract to a one-year period, terminating at the end of each completed season.
It is expressly agreed that the Purchaser shall have the option to extend any contract made with the
successful Respondents for two (1 year each) additional grass-cutting season upon written notice potentially extending this contract till the end of 2021 season.