DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION CANADA (DCC) – ES16SP02 – Demolition of Building 27, Stony Point, ON
The work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the supply of labour, material, supervision and equipment necessary to carry out the demolition and removal of Building 27 at the former Camp Ipperwash, Stony Point, Ontario.
This procurement has been set aside under the federal government set aside for aboriginal businesses, in accordance with the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Businesses (PSAB).
The Plans and Specifications (P&S) for this opportunity may be ordered from MERX by logging on their website: www.merx.com or by calling 1 (800) 964- MERX (6379); or may be picked up at the DCC Site Office located at the following address.
Wolseley Barracks
A Block South, Apartment 1
701 Oxford St E
London, ON
N5Y 4T7
Tel.: (519) 660-5149
Fax: (519) 660-5343
The MERX order confirmation number authorizing the order of Project # ES16SP02 must be presented to the DCC Site Office when picking up P&S. A MERX order confirmation number may be obtained from MERX by logging on their website: www.merx.com or by calling 1 (800) 964-MERX (6379).
Amendments to the tender documents should be obtained from MERX AS AMENDMENTS OBTAINED FROM OTHER SOURCES MAY NOT BE THE LATEST.
Bids from bidders whose names do not appear on the official list of bidders who ordered the tender documents, may be declared invalid.
A site visit has been arranged for the following date, time and location. It will be the only opportunity for bidders to access the site and it is highly recommended that bidders attend this visit.
Date: Aug 8, 2018
Time: 10:00 am Local Time
Location: 9356 Army Camp Rd, Lambton Shores, Ontario, N0N 1J3
The estimated cost for this opportunity is in the order of, $104,000.00
Bidders are advised that bid and contract security is required when the advertised budget (estimated cost for this opportunity) is greater than $100,000. Refer to the Instructions to Tenderers (Form DCL193), paragraph 5.
The Work must reach Substantial Completion no later than 45 calendar days after notification of contract award and must be completed no later than 30 calendar days after the date of Substantial Completion.
The tender closing date is: August 21, 2018
The tender closing time is: 14:00 hours, eastern time.
Sealed tenders will be received at the following location:
Defence Construction Canada
Constitution Square,
350 Albert Street, Suite 1900,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K3
Fax No.:613-998-9547
Please note that the tender results for this project are available from the Bid Opening Office and from the DCC Site at telephone: 613-949-7930.
Inquiries relating to this solicitation are to be directed ONLY to the DCC Contracting Authority mentioned above. Bidders who contact anyone other than the DCC Contracting Authority to obtain clarifications during the solicitation period may, for that reason alone, be disqualified.
The STANDARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS (DCL250), including the Instructions to Tenderers - (Form DCL 193) forms part of the Tender Package by reference. A hard copy of these documents can be ordered from MERX or downloaded from the DCC website at http://www.dcc-cdc.gc.ca/documents/forms/DCL250_Standard_Construction_Contract_Documents.pdf
Bidders can obtain contract award results from the DCC Website at http://www.dcc-cdc.gc.ca/english/awarded/.
DCC now publicly discloses information on payments made to prime contractors so that subcontractors know when they can expect payment. Information on payments made in the past 90 days on construction contracts over $100,000, as well as further information regarding DCC’s prompt payment commitment, can be obtained from the DCC Website at http://www.dcc-cdc.gc.ca/english/recent_contract_payments/.