Through this RFP, CCMEC is looking to secure the services of a vendor to conduct a full review of the database management systems and business processes the Secretariat currently uses for PISA. The vendor would also be responsible for providing recommendations on both short-term and long-term solutions to improve data-management, data security and privacy, and operational efficiency.
The goal of the Project is to improve user experience (both internal and external) when interacting with PISA data and make recommendations for increasing the efficacy, efficiency, and resiliency of PISA database systems, operations, business processes, and security measures. The selected Proponent, via the Project, will identify short-term solutions and measures, based on the Secretariat’s current resources, while also providing a road map for possible long-term solutions and database systems to achieve the Project goals. These goals include improving the data management and security environment, reducing risks of errors and loss of data, improving efficiency, and streamlining processes to make the best use of human and financial resources.
The scope and key objectives of the review Project are to:
1. Conduct a full review of the database management systems and businesses processes (including data, operations, and administrative processes) that are currently used by CCMEC to manage PISA data and operations.
2. Conduct a full review of CCMEC’s current PISA data security and privacy measures and systems, including a privacy impact assessment (PIA) to identify ways to improve data security measures and how data are stored and handled.
3. Identify and recommend measures that could be implemented to introduce efficiencies for automating, improving, and streamlining the current database management systems, business processes, and security measures, using the Secretariat’s existing technological and data management systems resources.
4. Conduct a scan of existing large-scale assessment, or similar, database management and operations systems, as well as a scan of the range of systems/solutions available on the market.
5. Identify and recommend options, including costs estimates, for both upgrading the current system and designing, building, and/or implementing a new, up-to-date, secure, and robust database and operations management system for PISA. The goal is to identify upgrades/systems that would allow PISA data and operations to be handled in a more efficient manner, ensure greater data security, reduce workload and communication burdens on external partners and internal staff members, mitigate risks, and include new elements not supported by the current system to allow more effective operations.