PROJECT OVERVIEW The City is seeking to retain a Consultant to provide preliminary engineering design services for the Astro Hill Infrastructure Upgrades Preliminary Engineering Design Study. The Consultant’s team will be retained to provide technical and professional services for desktop review, options analysis, establishing design criteria and preliminary design for the Project. The City invites individual firms or consortiums of firms to submit Proposals for the above-referenced Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Request for Proposal document.
Project Objectives The objectives of the Project are to: • Complete a Preliminary Engineering Design study for the upgrade and re-routing of the watermain and sanitary sewer around the Astro Hill Complex, and through the community of Creekside Village. • Address aging water and sewer infrastructure, which is difficult to access (currently running underneath the Astro Hill Complex) and is original construction from the 1970’s. The new water and sewer infrastructure will consist of current technologies that meet the City’s Municipal Design Guidelines, while providing better access to Utilidor for operating and maintenance purposes Assess the impact on downstream neighbourhoods (Lower Base, Lower Iqaluit) by rerouting and increasing the size of the watermain pipeline around Astro Hill. • Ensure the watermain is sufficiently sized to accommodate potential future development and densification in downstream neighbourhoods such as Lower Base and Lower Iqaluit.