As Canada’s national public broadcaster, CBC/Radio-Canada showcases our stories, culture, and news to Canada and to the world on multiple platforms, such as television, radio and digital services. We measure the audiences of these services and platforms to assess our performance in fulfilling our mandate and strategic plan. One of our long-term strategic goals is to increase Canadians’ use of and engagement with our platforms.
One of the tools CBC/Radio-Canada uses to assess the performance of our platforms is through audience measurement that provides insights on the performance and profiles of our Canadian audiences. This data is used internally and externally to trend and measure our strategic goals, help our programming teams, position ourselves in the public landscape and leverage sales. Examples of the types of data that are beneficial to CBC/Radio-Canada in the assessment of its performance include reach, share, ranking among competitors, demographic information, and information by geographic markets, among others. NLogic’s software gives CBC/Radio-Canada access to this Numeris data for our TV and radio services.
CBC/Radio-Canada does not have the internal capability to fulfil its software needs for our TV, radio and video measurement, particularly in terms of its performance relative to others in the industry. As such, to fulfil its needs for comprehensive audience measurement data software to access data about its performance and those of the broader industry, CBC/Radio-Canada seeks to retain the services of an established and recognized independent software supplier.
NLogic is the supplier to fulfil our Numeris data needs as they are the only supplier to offer respondent-level data in software for all the Numeris datasets CBC/Radio-Canada subscribes to. They are also the supplier of choice for Numeris for their data analysis.
It is necessary for CBC/Radio-Canada operations to have one Numeris data software supplier to streamline processes, ensure consistent reporting (e.g. consistency of statistics used over time) and have access to historical data (10+ years). As the national public broadcaster, CBC/Radio-Canada needs to have granular data - that is investigable by age, gender, region - for our TV/video and radio audiences and the nuances of different markets across Canada so that we can better understand and serve Canadians.
As such, NLogic provides software to CBC/Radio-Canada to access Numeris audience data on the following proprietary NLogic products: InfoSys+ (TV PPM, Cross Media), Instar+ (Radio PPM, TV Diary, VAM), Micro+, CMR, ConexAPI and Lens (TV PPM). As Numeris - the source of TV and radio audience measurement in Canada - also uses NLogic software products, this better enables us to troubleshoot and investigate data questions with them by using the same software. This software is also used by many other broadcasters in the industry.
CBC/Radio-Canada has a requirement to measure the performance of its TV and radio services on a national level and within major markets across the country, and to report on these data publicly. The contractor must be an organization with experience in providing a breadth of software to access this audience measurement data.