As part of its fund development activities, CRC uses Direct Mail to raise funds to support its mission. CRC is looking for a leading agency with a strong in-house creative team to develop impactful direct mail campaigns to compel individuals to support the CRC mission or to renew their engagement to the organization. Specifically, the Direct Mail programs addressed in this RFP are:
1. Mid-level
2. Mission Donor Stream
3. Planned Giving
4. House Testing
The agency should have experience creating effective direct mail packages. The scope for each of the programs mentioned above will be to work on these programs from the brief stage to mailing with Canada Post. CRC is specifically looking for an agency that has a full creative team, including copywriters, graphic designers and a Creative Director that will ensure the effective creative execution of the mail packages. The agency will develop direct mail strategies and present concepts, as well as create artwork, copy and provide production services, ensuring the mail pieces are posted according to CRC specifications. Ideally the agency will have experience working with non-profit organizations to raise funds through mail or other channels.