The Client is pursuing a phased redevelopment strategy for an underutilized 10.90 acre property located at 705 Progress Avenue (the “Site”). The successful Proponent will work collaboratively with the Client’s consulting team to undertake the following key tasks:
1. Identify constraints and opportunities for intensifying the Site from an urban transportation perspective;
2. Establish appropriate mobility considerations for the project – walk, cycle, transit, taxi/drop-off, school bus layby, traffic calming measures, service, loading, site access, and car parking;
3. Provide advisory services relating to the urban transportation elements of the Master Site Plan and building designs to optimize access by all modes of travel, and properly integrate with other planning, architectural, urban design, engineering and business considerations;
4. Provide a critical assessment of the recommendations issued by the City’s lead transportation consultant, Arup, as part of the Scarborough Centre Transportation Master Plan update. This includes a review of Arup’s transportation assessment scenarios + conclusions on network performance levels. Arup’s scope includes an assessment of a new roadway extension proposed through the subject site; and,
5. Coordinate with the project team and attend project team and Client meetings;